Edwin's Story

A seemingly normal life turned into a life filled with addiction, homelessness and great struggle for Edwin when he was faced with the trauma of loss, guilt and pain.

“Before all of this, I did have a job and a pretty good life. I experienced a death of someone close to me and I felt responsible. That is when my addictions began. I started sleeping on the street and would get up and keep doing those bad behaviors. I wore the same clothes for months; I had gotten so skinny. I used to think I would die that way, but there was always something inside of me that said, ‘this is not you’ ... but I didn’t know how to bounce back.”

Then, a pivotal moment sparked a change in him.

“One day I just woke up and had this feeling inside me that I was done with this cycle… probably the Holy Spirit…this time I knew that I meant it. I felt it.”

Edwin found his way to City Mission, a journey made possible because of friends like you.

“I didn’t have a purpose before. My achievements here are so important to me. This place made me the person that I am today. It allowed me to build a relationship with the God I always believed in, but never truly knew. Now I’m not only worried about failing my family but failing God. That is so much bigger, I can’t fail Him.”

Edwin Story Photo

Now, Edwin joins forty other former residents who serve on staff at City Mission, each of them giving back to the community that once helped them.

“It was a hard life, and I suffered a lot, but I am happy that I can use those experiences to help other people. If they do take steps to building brighter lives, it makes me feel good to know I can be a small part of their story.”

Giving back to the Mission helps residents like Edwin uncover a sense of purpose, which can lead to changed lives.

“I have a purpose now, and I want this sense of purpose to last forever. I want to learn from everyone here and educate myself to be better. My favorite part of working in the Dining Center is being able to connect with community members, the people that don’t stay here. There are still so many people out there struggling that don’t know how to get out of that cycle. I can relate with them and encourage them to start the process of getting better.”

Edwin, like many others, expresses his deep gratitude for friends like you that care for people going through hard times.

“I would put my life on the line for this place. I will always owe my life to City Mission and the people that make it possible. I wish I could get to know all of you that give. God used people like you to give us what we have. I never thought I would be this man and live as happily as I am now with a job where I’m able to help others. I am so grateful, and I owe you my life.”

Edwin’s new sense of purpose has given him hope and helped him set goals for a bright future. He will forever be thankful to people like you for giving him this opportunity to believe in himself.

Thank you for helping Edwin and so many others discover the lives that God intended for them. God bless you.